Your everything.

Vibe puts your digital life in your hands—move freely across an open ecosystem of apps and services, carrying your identity, content, and connections wherever you go.

Your Data

Your identity, relationships and content is in your control

Your Journey

Move freely between apps and services carrying your data with you

Your Freedom

You hold the key. No middlemen. No clouds. No corporate gatekeepers.

Choose your plan

Big Tech Companies

Big Tech

$?/ month

*Fees subject to change at any point

Your profile held hostage
Your content held hostage
Your followers held hostage
No cross-app interoperability
Arbitrary censorship
Hidden algorithms
May use your data to train AI
May sell your data
Fees may be added
Attention exploitation
Ads everywhere
Vibe Logo


$0/ forever

No hidden costs. Ever.

Own your profile
Own your content
Own your network
Universal interoperability
Transparent algorithms
Your data stays yours
No data selling
Free forever
Equal playing field
Attention sovereignty
Ad-free experience

Our Network

Social Systems Lab

Social Systems Lab focuses on engineering the tools that propel us towards a better world. They support open-source teams globally to build an ecosystem that provides for our needs without proprietary code, secret algorithms, or value-extracting practices. As a key supporter of Vibe, they help transform ideas into reality through state-of-the-art engineering.

Learn more

The Federated Auth Network (FAN) is pioneering sovereign digital identity through their innovative protocol. FAN shares our vision of returning control of digital identities to individuals. Together, we're building a future where digital autonomy and privacy are fundamental rights.

Learn more
Federated Auth NetworkFederated Auth Network

Your digital freedom begins here


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